Imagination manifests into a Creative Vision, thus becoming my Petprojks.

       Hello, my name is Maria. I am the sole creator of Petprojks, which started almost 20 years ago as a hobby. At the time, I was a USAF Retiree, and while working for Law Enforcement, I dedicated my spare time to creating things for dogs. At the time, I had three dogs at home; believe it or not, they influenced my creative spark.I started making pet beds, coats, bandanas, and other things.
Fast-forward to today. I am fully retired, still have dogs, and am still creating. I love to get an idea and figure out how to put it together to get the final output that I want.  I will always create to the best of my abilities, but that is not to say that I am perfect.  I will give the best of myself to any product that I make.
Thank you for your support in the Small Business Market.  Always creating with Love

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